Saddle Pad

Saddle Pad Manufacturers

Akash International India is the major Saddle Pad Manufacturers in Uttar Pradesh. Our saddle pad is designed to fit contoured along the spine and withers of the horse. This makes the pad follow the natural curvature of the horse's back, aptly providing support and comfort. It will not bunch or fold, causing discomfort or pressure points if the saddle pad fits well. This contoured shape allows the pad to stay in place, minimizing the risk of slipping during the ride. Our saddle pads cater to different body types, be it a high wither or a broader back, for that perfect custom fit.


We are the Lightweight Saddle Pad in Kanpur. Material on the underside of our saddle pads provides a grippy surface that keeps them snug on your horse's back, so the pad and saddle stay there during your ride. That leaves the saddle unable to slide or shift and chafe the horse's back, thus stealing your balance. Our nonslip design offers an easier, smoother ride for you and better comfort and reduced friction for your horse.


Consider us for all the needs of your Saddle Pad exporters and suppliers in India. Horses are known to wear big sweaters during rides, especially in warm weather or when given a hard workout. Soft neoprene and moisture-wicking in our saddle pads maintain the drying of your horse's back throughout. Our pad draws the sweating away from the skin and allows it to evaporate fast-cancelling the development of skin irritation or fungal infection. This is an important feature for your horse to keep cool and maintain health, particularly during long rides or in very hot, humid conditions.

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F-36, Site-5, Panki Industrial Area, Kanpur- 208022, Uttar Pradesh, India


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Make your Horse Beautiful